Top Bar Trends for 2024

As we look ahead to 2024, several emerging bar trends project to shape consumer preferences and play a significant role in the industry moving forward. Whether you've just opened a bar or have worked in the bar industry for years, you should always be ready to adapt, innovate, and meet the shifting expectations of your customers. The demand for new experiences and flavors, increased focus on making healthy choices, and a shifting conversation about alcohol will all affect what consumers want. Innovative new techniques and automated technologies may also play a role in shaping the future of the bar industry. We'll project the top trends of 2024 and how your business can adopt them below.

shot glass being filled with asian liquor

Asian Flavors

In 2023, Western markets saw an increased interest in Asian cocktails, particularly those from Japan, China, South Korea, and Taiwan. This trend projects to grow even more popular in 2024, with restaurants and bars featuring Asian ingredients and garnishes prominently in their signature drinks. Soju, a South Korean liquor commonly compared to vodka, is particularly popular. It is typically enjoyed on its own but can be used as a base to craft new cocktails with an Asian twist. Japanese whiskey and sake have also grown to prominence, and knowing how to serve sake traditionally can create a more authentic experience for your guests. You can also consider experimenting with Asian fruits, such as Yuzu, as an ingredient or garnish in your cocktails.

ginger shots on a cutting board

Adaptogen Drinks

Many consumers are looking to make healthier drinking choices, and one way to do so is by searching for drinks that offer perceived health benefits. Adaptogen drinks are meant to promote well-being and can be used for a variety of purposes, including as a sleep aid, for digestive health, and for stress relief. CBD drinks, ginger shots, and ashwagandha cocktails are just a few examples of popular adaptogen drinks on the market, and in 2024 bar owners will look to embrace new drink recipes and ingredients. With the demand for healthier beverage options on the rise, incorporating adaptogens into creative and flavorful drink recipes can be a game-changer for any bar looking to stay ahead of the competition.

non alcoholic cocktails

Non-Alcoholic Drinks

The broader cultural shift towards health and wellness has led many consumers to reconsider their approach to alcohol consumption. People are more open to discussing and exploring their relationship with alcohol, leading to the rise of terms like sober curious. Being sober curious doesn't mean a person is completely sober, but rather that they are cutting back their alcohol intake and believe they don't need to be drunk to enjoy their night out. To cater to this growing demand, restaurants and bars offer elevated mocktails and a wider variety of non-alcoholic beverages crafted with the same level of creativity and attention to detail as their alcoholic counterparts. Other business owners are taking a different approach and opening sober bars, giving alcohol-conscious consumers more places to visit.

fancy cocktail with smoke and a lemon garnish

Elevated Cocktails

As the price of drinks continues to rise, many consumers are naturally considering how much they want to pay for a night out. People are willing to pay more for a drink if it means an increased focus on quality, creativity, and overall experience, creating an increased demand for high-quality ingredients, recipe enhancements, and new takes on classic cocktails. Mixologists are responding to this demand by creating bold new flavor combinations and elevated presentation techniques that take the cocktail experience to the next level. Whether you're using infused spirits, house-made syrups, artisanal bitters, or exotic fruits, adding depth, complexity, and visual appeal to your drinks is an easy way to attract guests moving forward.

person taking picture of cocktail

Instagramable Bars and Drinks

More than ever, people are looking for things they can capture and share on social media platforms like Instagram and TikTok. For bars, it's no longer just about serving great drinks; it's about creating an ambiance and experience that is visually stunning and worth sharing. Bar owners are embracing elevated decor, unique lighting options, and new design trends to create photo opportunities and establish themselves as a destination. Meanwhile, bartenders are utilizing eye-catching garnishes, creative glassware selections, and bold presentation techniques to add a touch of charm and personality to their drinks. Sharing drinks on your bar’s social media accounts and encouraging guests to do the same is also an easy way to generate free advertising opportunities.

pink floral cocktails with lemon slices

Floral Cocktails

Cocktails featuring floral flavors have grown popular in recent years and are poised to grow even more in 2024. These refreshing aromatic drinks are popular during spring and summer but can be enjoyed year-round with the right preparation and recipes. Encourage your bartenders to experiment with ingredients like lavender, rose, jasmine, and ginger to create unique and enticing cocktails. You can also invest in specialty liquors infused with various herbs, flowers, and spices, bringing a distinctive and complex flavor profile to your menu. Edible flowers, including lavender and roses, can be used as a garnish and an ingredient, adding an extra layer of detail to your drinks.

espresso martini

Coffee Cocktails

The rise of cocktails like the espresso martini has paved the way for more coffee-inspired cocktails to emerge in 2024. Inspired by the espresso martini's success, bartenders across the globe are now incorporating coffee flavors into their signature creations. Consider featuring Irish coffees, cold brew negronis, and a variety of other coffee-based cocktails on your menu to capitalize on this trend. You can also experiment with using coffee-flavored liqueur or coffee beans as a garnish. Whether it's a brunch event, an after-dinner gathering, or a late-night celebration, coffee cocktails can add a unique and sophisticated touch to any occasion.

clarified cocktail

Clarified Drinks

Cocktail clarification is a technique in which bartenders remove unwanted particles from their ingredients, creating clear and well-balanced cocktails. The result is a visually appealing beverage with an enhanced flavor and texture. In most cases, the unwanted particles are present as a result of how liquor and other cocktail ingredients are made, and by removing these particles you can improve their shelf life. Common cocktail clarification techniques include milk washing, gravity straining, agar clarification, and centrifugation. It's important to note that these methods can vary in complexity and results.

As the bar industry evolves, establishments need to stay ahead of trends. By understanding the changing landscape of consumer preferences, bartenders and bar owners can create unique and memorable experiences that cater to a variety of tastes and lifestyles. Discover restaurant industry statistics to get a picture of the current state of the broader foodservice industry.

Posted in: Bars & Breweries|Foodservice Trends|By Jason Kurtz
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