Types of Beer Cocktails

Beer cocktails are a hit among patrons looking for a thirst-quenching beverage with a refreshing flavor that's light on the alcohol. From a business perspective, beer cocktails are also a profitable choice for bars and restaurants. They're economical to make and often require fewer ingredients compared to other cocktails, which helps to keep costs down and profit margins up. Ready to learn more about beer cocktails? We've made a list of some classic beer combinations that are easy to add to your menu.

1. Michelada

Michelada Beer Cocktail

Meet the Michelada (pronounced mee-chuh-LAH-duh), a blend of light beer, tomato juice, lime juice, hot sauce, Worcestershire sauce, and spices. It may look like a Bloody Mary, but this Mexican cocktail incorporates beer instead of vodka for a zesty and refreshing summer beverage. Serve the Michelada over ice, and don’t forget to rim the glass with Tajin seasoning for a flavor boost.

The Michelada is one of the most popular beer cocktails in Mexico. There are numerous versions of the recipe that incorporate ingredients like Clamato or Chamoy. Or try the pared-down Chelada, which is a simple yet delicious combo of just beer, lime juice, and salt.

2. Lagerita

Coronarita Lagerita Beer Cocktail

If you're a fan of both beer and margaritas, then the Lagerita might just become your new favorite drink. This beer cocktail combines the crispness of a lager with the refreshing flavors of a classic margarita, creating a delicious and innovative beverage that is perfect for any occasion. This cocktail typically consists of light lager beer, tequila, lime juice, and a splash of orange liqueur, such as triple sec. The marriage of these ingredients results in a harmonious blend of beer and cocktail flavors that is both easy to drink and full of zesty citrus notes.

The Coronarita is a popular version of a Lagerita that is served with a bottle of beer inside a margarita glass. To make this beer cocktail, take a chilled beer glass and invert it into the margarita, allowing the beer to slowly flow into the glass. The result is a visually striking cocktail with the beer bottle perched upside down in the margarita, creating a unique and eye-catching presentation.

3. Monaco

Monaco Beer Cocktail

The Monaco beer cocktail hails from France, where it's mostly enjoyed by younger customers looking for a fruity, sweet drink. With the rising demand for lower ABV drinks, the Monaco can be enjoyed by anyone looking for a summer beverage that is light on the alcohol. This drink is traditionally made with Stella Artois, but you can use any lager or pilsner that you have on hand.

To make a Monaco beer cocktail, start with a chilled glass and add 1.5 ounces of grenadine, followed by 3.5 ounces of lemonade, and topped with 3.5 ounces of chilled beer. The crispness of the beer, the tartness of the lemonade, and the sweetness of the grenadine come together to create a well-balanced drink that is both refreshing and satisfying.

4. Spaghett

Spaghett Beer Cocktail

The Spaghett beer cocktail is a relatively new concoction, and despite its Italian name, it was invented by Baltimore bartender Reed Cahill. Inspired by the Aperol Spritz but with a working-class twist, this amber-colored drink is made with Miller High Life instead of Champagne. It's an easy drink to make and you don't even have to dirty a glass because it's traditionally served in the beer bottle.

To make a Spaghett, take a bottle of chilled Miller High Life and pour out 2 ounces of the beer. Add 1 ounce of Aperol or Campari to the bottle and finish it off with 1 ounce of fresh-squeezed lemon juice. If you want to reserve the extra beer that you poured out, save it for a Happy Hour appetizer recipe like beer cheese dip or beer-battered onion rings

5. Summer Shandy

Summer Shandy Beer Cocktail

Nothing beats a crisp, refreshing Shandy on a hot day, and making this beer cocktail is as simple as it gets. A traditional summer Shandy is made with equal parts lemonade and beer. Choose a light summer beer like a blonde lager or wheat beer and combine it with fresh-squeezed lemonade for an effervescent drink that is both sweet and citrusy.

You can get creative with your Shandy recipes and try other mixers like lemon-lime soda or sparkling lemonade. Use other juices like grapefruit juice and you've created a Radler, the German version of a Shandy. These beer cocktails have become so popular that you can find many canned versions from popular breweries that make it easier to serve your customers quickly.

6. Beertini

Beertini Beer Cocktail

The next beer cocktail on our list is a unique creation that's considered a Midwestern staple. A traditional Beertini must be made with a cheap domestic beer like Pabst Blue Ribbon - no craft beer allowed! Pour the beer into a chilled glass, add a handful of green olives, and top it off with a splash of olive brine. It's a humble combination, but the final product will surprise you.

Olives can magically transform other ingredients into something special, just like with a classic martini. Give this Midwest beer cocktail a chance and you'll find that it's fizzy, salty, and satisfying. It's also cost-effective and takes mere minutes to prepare.

7. Black Velvet

Black Velvet Beer Cocktail

The Black Velvet is a classic beer cocktail that blends the smoothness of stout beer with the effervescence of Champagne. This unlikely pairing creates a luxurious and velvety texture that is pleasing to sip. The drink's dark, rich appearance is reminiscent of black velvet fabric, which is where it gets its name.

To make a Black Velvet, fill a chilled glass halfway with Champagne or sparkling white wine. Top it off with Guinness or the stout beer of your choice. If you want to create a layered cocktail, carefully pour the stout over the back of a spoon into the glass. This creates a wider surface area so that the top layer of beer floats over the Champagne.

8. Snakebite

Snakebite Beer Cocktail

By this time, you've probably learned that beer can be combined with a wide range of ingredients to make a great cocktail. The Snakebite is no exception. This beer cocktail is made with equal parts hard cider and beer, usually a lager or stout, and is sometimes topped off with a splash of grenadine or blackcurrant liqueur. It's simple, easy to prepare, and goes down really easy on a hot day.

Some say that the Snakebite goes down a little too easily. This beer cocktail has a reputation for its drinkability, which can sometimes lead to over-imbibing. As long as you serve your guests responsibly, you'll have no issues with this tasty beer cocktail.

One of the key reasons that beer cocktails are becoming more popular is their low alcohol by volume (ABV) content, making them a lighter option for customers who want to enjoy a drink without getting too tipsy. Incorporating these drinks into your menu is also a smart decision because they're uncomplicated, which means your staff can make them quickly and serve more guests. They're made with cost-effective ingredients and can be a lucrative addition to your beverage lineup.

By Michale LeRoy
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